Icon "Godloving".
Gift to Saint Patriach Alexis II from Vladimir-Suzdal Diocese
in memory of the millennium of the town of Vladimir.
Moscow. Patriarchate. 1996.
Father Timofei, representative of the Russian Orthodox church in Greece, accepts S.Karelin and his collection "Holy Russia".
Greece. Athens. 1996.
Vladimir Shumeiko, speaker of the Russian Parliament,
opens S.Karelin's exhibition Holy Russia.
Moscow. 1995.
President of Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Arts /St.Petersburg/ Prof. L.A.Maiboroda
confers the diploma of correspondent member of the Academy on Sergei Karelin
for his collection "Holy Russia".
In 1998 S.Karelin was granted the academic rank of Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Art (St.Petersburg).
Sergei Karelin's work for a Hollywood film «Emperor's Watch». USA. 1991.
General Lebed accepts S.Karelin and his colletion Holy Russia.
Moscow. 1998.
General Lebed congratulates S.Karelin
on his getting the academic rank of Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Arts (S.Petersburg).
Moscow. 1998.
Pendant-mascot for victory.
Belongs to Martina Hingis.
Ring-mascot for President of Russia. 2000.
Karelin meets Vladimir Mikhailov, council on culture of the Russian Embassy in Greece.
Greece. Athens. 1996.
S.Karelin gives Vanda Hoover the presents which she is going to take to the American film stars S.Weaver, G.Anderson, Sh.Stone. 1999.
Set of jewellery with amethysts.
Belongs to Sigourney Weaver.
Set of jewellery with amethysts.
Belongs to Gillian Anderson.
Set of jewellery with amethysts.
Belongs to Sharon Stone.
Chest for President of Russia.
Saint Patriarch Alexis II accepts S.Karelin and his collection Holy Russia.
Moscow. Kremlin. 2000.
Deputy Minister of Defence of Russia Isakov V.I. accepts
Karelin, academician of Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Art.
Moscow. 2001.